Dil-e-Gumshuda revolves around the themes of rivalry, revenge and jealousy between two cousin sisters, Zara (Hina Altaf) and Alizay (Amar Khan). Zara hails from a middle-class family and after the sad demise of her parents she is forced to move in with her uncle’s family where she meets her cousin Alizay for the first time. Alizay is a self centred and manipulative girl who can not share her life with anyone not even with her fiance Daniyal (Agha Ali).
When Zara moves in, Alizay and her mother makes it difficult for her to adjust as they humiliates and scold her for being an outsider. Both play multiple tricks to demean Zara in front of everyone and even steals her love of life Nadeem (Mirza Zain Baig). Zara is shattered when she finds out about Nadeem’s change of mind and comes face to face with the harsh realities of life.
Will Zara continue to suffer under the atrocities implicated by Alizay or will she take a stand for herself?
Production Year: 2019
Channel: Geo Entertainment
Type: Family Drama
Total Eps: 32
Per Eps Duration: 40 minutes (Approx)
Status: Available Immediately
Show Creators: Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi
Produced By: 7th Sky Entertainment
Writer: Saira Arif
Director: Shaqielle Khan
Cast: Humaira Bano, Zainub Qayyum, Khalid Anum, Mirza Zain Baig, Amar Khan, Agha Ali, Shamim Hilali, Hina Altaf