
Bharosa Pyar Tera revolves around the families of two business partners Shaukat Hayat (Mehmood Akhtar) and Ali Afzal. Their professional partnerships takes an unexpected turn when Ali Afzal asks for Shaukat Hayat’s only daughter Maryam (Komal Aziz Khan) hand in marriage for his son Mikael (Adeel Chaudhry). Despite of being from a wealthy family and knowing each other since a long time, Maryam and Mikael finds it hard to adjust to their new life. Maryam is a young and innocent girl and has always been reluctant about her marriage with Mikael.
Maryam’s friendship with her college friend Hassan (Asim Mehmood) begins to trouble Mikael and he begins to loose trust on her wife. This creates a series of misunderstandings and Amal finds it hard to prove her innocence in front of her husband. A young girl’s struggle to make her marriage work, will Amal ever be able to gain trust of her husband and her in-laws or will she continue to prove herself?

Bharosa Pyar Tera

Production Year: 2019
Channel: Geo Entertainment
Type: Family Drama
Total Eps: 66
Per Eps Duration: 40 minutes (Approx)
Status: Available Immediately

Show Creators: Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi
Produced By: 7th Sky Entertainment

Writer: Nuzhat Saman
Director: Ali Akbar
Cast: Aalia Ali, Farah Nadir, Ali Shaheen Khan, Mehmood Akhtar, Ayesha Khan, Hashim Butt, Seemi Pasha, Komal Aziz Khan, Adeel Chaudhary, Faria Sheikh, Babar Khan, Asim Mehmood, Faraz Farooqi
